Take Time to Rejuvenate

Woman's feet with flowers in toes

A little over a week ago, I hosted a day-long creativity retreat. It was about reconnecting with your “muse”—a personification of inspiration and imagination—to jump-start your creative projects.

It was wonderful and magical, and lots of fun! And I loved creating the retreat.

As a sensitive and introverted entrepreneur, I’m still learning how to pace myself. Just like with any creative endeavor, I need to strike a balance between being and doing.

As I began to design the retreat, I tapped into my own muse—big time! Some nights, I was up until 3 AM, buzzing with ideas and details of what I was going to do.

The work was exciting, inspirational, and fun! But after that sustained burst of creativity, after completing that lovely day with other super-creative souls, I needed time to rejuvenate, to refill my well.

I’m just now getting back into my creative space, after the retreat and a week of traveling.

And I’m reminding you what I’m reminding myself. Pay attention to how you feel and what your body is telling you. It’s essential to take a break when you need it. Trying to “force” creativity never works.

So when your well is getting low, put up your feet, stick some daisies between your toes, lean back into the cool grass and feel the warm sun on your face, and daydream. Watch the clouds change shape. Listen to the birds singing.

Let your well fill up again.

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